Saturday 19 May 2007

The teacher

Tom revising

Also for anyone sitting the I.T WJEC exam (or thicko’s/common sense exam) who is……privileged to own a copy of “The Teacher” don’t use it. There is more fun, satisfaction and pleasure in watching paint dry in a fountain.

For those of you Who don’t know what “the Teacher” is, it is not a multi million dollar Blockbuster, nor is it a thrilling novel. Instead it is some Teacher from Bridge-end’s half assed attempt of making revision software “fun"
Thankfully it is not filled with the Shitty jokes from companies like C.G.P (child, Gonnareha patrol)

In fact it contains hardly anything at all. All the information is drivel, and even as a student studying I.T for four years, I can say its meaningless to anyone.
It is in-fact the most boring thing I’ve ever red.
I’ve read Ketchup Bottles with more interesting facts.
It makes “Kitty cat Nutritional Value” a gripping novel

Being new to this revision it seems like a waste of time. Instead Ill play the PS2, wouldn’t you?

But then I thought no. Ill do some work
Instead I found the God of all games
“Line Rider”
For anyone not privileged enough to have ever seen the game it is the most addictive game of all time. The game revolves around drawing lines and a little man on a sled sliding down them
Sounds crap?
He dies at the end. Now how crap does it sound?
Seriously you’ll have to trust me and download it. it’s a new vision on Revision (Sorry), or at least stops me doing it.

School's Finally out

Well, 13 years of pretending to work are finally over, and i can now lay back and relax, and do nothing for 10 or so weeks. There is proof therefore that there is no heaven, as we experience the closest thing to it after our G.c.s.e’s

Firstly I would just like to explain (not apologise?) on why I couldn't blog for the last few weeks, (that is if anyone stumbles on my blog,) and it is the poor quality of Google Blogger. If I ever fell the need to Blog, I am confronted with various complaints about my username and/or password being incorrect or not "Valid". Some more inquisitive people would try to discover what the problem is.

Not me.

I’m too lazy and just avoided blogging, using the computer, and sat on my fat arse in front of The TV for countless hours watching crap American T.V, eating junk food, and most probably destroying my body mentally and physically. (hence the current Greasy look)

Meanwhile most of my friends are all away revising and stressing themselves out beyond belief, personally I couldn’t give a shit about revison and would rather laze about all day. But there is another reason that I avoid The computer.


Another way for people to dump their thoughts and feelings on me. But that rant i will save for another time.

Instead some good news.

Today I found that as I sat on my desk piled full of English work, that
a) you can’t give yourself an epileptic fit with a £5 Ikea Lamp
b) I cannot concentrate for more than 5 min’s
c) My cat does like cheetos I found under my bed.
d) my parents seem a lot happier when I look to be revising, rather than when I’m watching house.

who' ever said revision is useless

Seriously, How bored do you have to be to drink 7 cups of tea in 4 hours?
