Monday 23 April 2007

Basking in the April Sunshine

But its raining outside..........

Good evening Folks, and what an evening it is. Not only is it ST Georges day (so we have to listen to them over the border moan on about how patriotic the English are, even though their country is filled to the brim with foreigners) but it is Shakesphere's birthday and supposed death day, and so in tribute id like to say these words

You dont know how much pain youve caused school children do you...

And now that's over with id like to give you an update, I failed on my first draft of the letter I ranted on about last time, made 5 mistakes, so basicly everything I complained about. But anyway I have a New complaint :

Teen Spirit

Now anyone who is in the dark about Teen spirit it is a nightclub styled disco that is available in South wales, at certian times of the month. It is organised for 13-17 yr olds, where they can "chill" and "hang out" without the influences of drugs or alcohol.
Well It sucks ass. Now Its not just with people who journey to this Disco(suprisingly enough), even though most are fat ugly girls, who decide to call themselves Bi-sexual, in an attempt to get attention from boys, who otherwise wouldnt look at their cherry red faces and ballon styled guits that plunge over their waste line. Its the whole event that annoys me.
The music, apart from the casual song seems to all be extreme heavy metal squealing, or "Inde" Twats singing about how they shagged their freinds mom. (which is obviously a lie, their all homosexual) I can just about stand the emo shit, save Fall out Boy which has the same effect on the dance floor as a kid with Diarrhea and an extremely weak bladder, and bands such as Sum41 etc, but its the othe 700000000% of the songs that no-one knows the names for. Thats not all

The prices are ridiculous, £5 entry/£6 at door and £1 for every drink. personally I'd rather gurgle acid, or the drink the fat "pig-goth's" sweat that pours off their forehead. How do they generate the smell that surrounds them? Plus the air is similar in texture to the London Smog. all that you can taste for hours is Cannabis Leaf mixed with sweat. Another thing that pisses me of is the dudes that think its funny to throw cans at the guy in the corners, and giggle. Childish Twats.
The volume of the music that is measured on the Richter scale, leaves you feeling like you've spent four hours in the Somme. For months id always say "yeah im up for teen" or "teen, sure, sounds fun..", but now my ears cannot take the pain.

So when i was asked today "oh tom, Teen tonight?"

I replied "Fuck off, the things that teen sprit stands for make me sick"


DairyMilkDevil said...

Which is when, when I was asked to go to Teen, I also replied "Fuck Off".

And did this instead:

Nice work Tom =P

The-Bev said...

ooosh we see the effect of the poor weather on poor tom =P

all trooth tho me thinks.

WHY OH WHY! Did I waste so much time there?...looking back...i think i'd prefer to pair my socks. and thats what i'll do in future =P
